5 Workouts That Will Make Your Back Stronger

Toni Collette
2 min readJan 12, 2024


A weak back can make you less intense, less mobile, and less fit. To prevent this, do exercises to make your back strong. Your back is a sensitive part of your body. If you hurt your back, it can make you perform less well in sports.

Making your back strong helps other muscle groups like your core, legs, and arms. For any back exercises, focus on making your core strong. A strong core supports your back, but a weak core makes it weaker and more at risk of injury.

By strengthening these core muscles, you support your spine and keep your hips in line. That allows you to lift more weight and lowers the risk of getting hurt.

Before doing challenging exercises, check with the Bentleigh Fitness Centre to ensure they’re safe.

The Best Exercises For A Strong Back

Here are some exercises to make your back more substantial, so you can lift and stretch better:

1. Resistance Band Pull-Aparts: Use stretchy bands to warm up or strengthen your mid-back after a back injury. You can adjust the difficulty.

2. Wide Grip Chin-Ups: Chin-ups are great for your upper and mid-back, biceps, forearms, shoulders, and abs. They’re tough, especially if you’re heavier, but doing 1 or 2 can benefit your back.

3. Wide-Grip Pull-Downs: Like chin-ups, you pull down weights instead of lifting your body. This exercise helps create a solid and attractive ‘V’ shape in your back.

4. Barbell Rows: Like bench presses for your chest, barbell rows work wonders for your back. It’s a heavy lifting exercise; if using a barbell feels uncomfortable, try a rowing machine.

5. Barbell Deadlifts: Lift heavy weights to strengthen your lower back, spine, hamstrings, and glutes. Make sure your form is good, and start with a comfortable weight.

Remember, these exercises are the best if you want a strong back. Working with a gym personal trainer can be highly beneficial if you’re new to strengthening gym workouts or need clarification on proper form. A personal trainer can help you decide how often you should work out. Talk to your fitness centre near you about a personalised workout plan.



Toni Collette

Passionate gym trainer dedicated to sculpting more muscular, healthier bodies. Let's crush those fitness goals together! Visit: https://www.fit247gym.com.au/